What is the deterrent effect?

The deterrent effect is the calculation a criminal makes to determine if he or she will get caught. There are two parts to getting caught. The first is the initial arrest and the second is being convicted. We have all heard about the revolving door of justice, but have you ever wondered if there are any simple techniques available for citizens to improve the odds of earning convictions? Through the power of the Operation Identification strategy, citizens can do their part to make their communities safer.

An arrest doesn’t always lead to a conviction

Getting caught with uniquely marked and registered stolen property is strong evidence against thieves. Just ask your local defense attorney or county prosecutor. Even a bank manager who has been robbed will tell you cameras and eye witnesses aren’t always enough to get a conviction. Getting caught with marked and registered money or property is a critical factor that leads to convictions. This fact is at the heart of our product’s deterrent effect.  Even an alarm system doesn’t prevent a smash-and-grab crime, but getting caught with marked money is a potent deterrent because criminal knows it will lead to jail time.

The Operation Identification concept

If you have an alarm system, you might have forgotten to arm it or maybe you’ve cancelled your contract. Yet the warning signs on doors and windows remain as a message to criminals. Think of our system from the outside in. It begins with the warning signs on doors and windows that tell criminals that the valuables in the house are marked and registered. Unlike an alarm, our system has no monthly charges and never needs to be armed. The instant you order our product, the system is enabled. When it arrives in the mail a few days later, the minimum you have to do is put warning signs up and adhere the numbered tags to your valuables to deter crimes.

The importance of serial numbers

Citizens often ask about the value of the system if the ID tags are removed. The tags are an aid to Good Samaritans and a warning to thieves. The real power of the system is in the serial numbers you record on our privacy-protected database. If you are a victim of a crime, the police need the make, model and serial numbers of your stolen property to enter into the global NCIC databases. You give that information to the police when you file a police report. Our security kit is a simple DIY that takes less than twenty minutes to install. It’s great as a couples or family project. You’ll be taking that extra step to protect your property and aid the police in the event of a crime.

Revised April 9, 2018

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