A U.I.N. is a unique identification number. Examples of UINs are driver’s license numbers, Social Security numbers and motor vehicle license plate numbers. In many foreign countries, each person is assigned an identity number.

A new kind of UIN

At MyPropertyID, we have advanced the state of the art of the UIN, uncoupling it from large institutional databases, putting control into the hands of each account holder. Individuals, homeowners, small businesses, little municipalities and tiny defense contractors can benefit from this miniaturized enterprise asset management (mEAM) system.

An article in The Property Professional

How the UIN is tied into government regulations is the subject of a short article I just had published in my professional association journal, The Property Professional (page 22). Just a reminder. The National Property Management Association NPMA.org “is a non-profit membership association for professionals who are responsible for the effective and efficient management of equipment, materials, and other movable and durable assets for their organization.”

A brief history of Operation Identification

In a previous issue of The Property Professional (page 22), I have written a brief history of Operation ID.


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