
Startup Insurance Coverage

Every startup is unique which can make it difficult to find the right insurance coverage. MyPropertyID issues globally unique and globally traceable numbers. That doesn’t seem all that unusual as startups go, but there are still barriers to finding the right coverage. Bottom line, if you are a startup, you should seriously consider being covered.

The Value of an Insurance Agent

Just like many people have an accounting firm helping with finances, many people prefer to have an independent insurance agent helping with coverage. Whether it’s accounting or insurance, because of the special nature of what MyPropertyID does, the extra sets of eyes are always appreciated.

Researching Startup Insurance

There isn’t that much general information available online regarding startup insurance. In an attempt to learn more, MyPropertyID contacted the local accelerators here in Des Moines and also contacted a few statewide insurance leaders in Iowa, but didn’t make any progress.
Startup accelerator – Wikipedia

When everything failed in Iowa, We turned to Silicon Valley and found a bit more information, but not as much as expected. Maybe for some, insurance is an afterthought? That’s not a smart idea if disaster strikes. You want to be covered.
A Founder’s Guide to Startup Insurance | Silicon Valley Bank (svb.com)

Insurance Companies That Specialize in Startups

• Cover Wallet: https://www.coverwallet.com
• Zeguro: https://www.zeguro.com
• Newfront: https://www.newfront.com
• Cover Startups: https://www.coverstartups.com
• Vouch: https://www.vouch.us
• Coalition: https://www.coalitioninc.com
• Axis: https://www.axiscapital.com
• Startup: https://startupinsurance.net
• Embroker: https://www.embroker.com
• Beazley: https://www.beazley.com

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