
False Alarm Ordinances

False alarm ordinances for residential burglaries are needed in virtually every municipality in the United States to manage and reduce unnecessary calls to law enforcement agencies.

Wasting Police Time

According to the San Antonio Police Department, upwards of 90% of automated police calls for residential burglaries are false alarms. This is a huge drag on taxpayer funded, law enforcement agencies. Alarm Response & Permits – City of San Antonio

Fines and Tickets

Some municipalities require homeowners to receive training prior to installation of alarm systems, others require permits, others will fine you and still others will issue you a citation. No matter the enforcement method, the International Association of Chiefs of Police see the need to control false alarms. Support for 2020 Model Ordinance for Alarm Management and False Alarm Reduction (theiacp.org)

What to Do Instead

Always leave your security cameras and video doorbells on, but only enable alarm systems when you are sleeping. For the times you are away from home, implement the only security system the police endorse called Operation Identification. Operation Identification Police Sheriff – Google Search

For a police-accepted, internet-based enhancement of Operation Identification, consider the My Property ID Registry security system. Police-Accepted, Security System and Lost & Found (mypropertyidregistry.com)

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