Law enforcement professionals are extremely careful about what products and services they endorse. Operation ID is one of the rare exceptions. It was rolled out by the U.S. Department of Justice in 1979 and endorsed by the FBI, police and sheriffs. It was also...
Without a grasp of history, we are unaware of the origin of many of our most routine habits. Some of today’s seemingly normal behaviors were once mightily resisted. The human brain is not particularly well-suiting for thinking analytically. Most people rely on...
Operation ID—developed by the police, but little known by the public—has very humble beginnings, dating back to a time before mainframe computers and modern enterprise asset management systems. It goes back to a time when records were kept on index cards in tiny...
Our government spends $100 million on research. Yep. Check out this Government Accountability Office document. It was done back in the mid 1970s at a cost of $100 million dollars in today’s money. 378 scientific studies. The results? Astounding! What did they...
The old signs are nothing more than a sign. Boring. Old. Faded. Worthless. Nobody gets it! Much like the poor marketing efforts and messaging of that antiquated campaign. The signs carry zero relevance for today, BUT the concept’s solid and it needs a facelift...
Did you know there are some basic guidelines that go along with registering and securing your personal property, such as laptops, TVs, power tools, lawn equipment, cell phones, etc? It has never been easier or more secure to do so than with My Property ID. Here is...