2 CFR Part 200.313(d)(3) Equipment Control

2 CFR Part 200.313(d)(3) Equipment Control

2 CFR Part 200.313(d)(3) is a Federal regulation. CFR stands for the  Code of Federal Regulations which is contained in the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Uniform Guidance manual. It is nicknamed the Green Book and contains the rules for Federal grants. For the...
Identifying Property the DCMA Way

Identifying Property the DCMA Way

The DCMA stands for the Defense Contract Management Agency. The DCMA is very particular about how government furnished property (GFP) with serial numbers is tagged, labeled or marked as being under the control of a particular contractor or subcontractor. Think of a...
Who Are Our Competitors?

Who Are Our Competitors?

Any printing company that prints a random organization’s name, and a series of numbers, on an asset tag is not a competitor of MyPropertyID. …not even close!!! We’ve left those companies in the dust Let’s say you had a piece of sheet metal the...
Federal Asset Tagging Regulations

Federal Asset Tagging Regulations

If your asset tag number isn’t part of a state-of-the-art, uniform equipment marking system (UEMS), consisting of a globally unique identification number (UIN), tied to a uniform identification system (UIS), you are out of compliance with FAR 52.245-1(f...
Operation ID Fidelity

Operation ID Fidelity

Fidelity means faithfulness to original intent. In other words, what is the ideal way to implement Operation ID so it hews as closely as possible to its original, highly researched, design? What are the standards to which Operation ID should be held to? What criteria...
The UIN in Government Regulations

The UIN in Government Regulations

A U.I.N. is a unique identification number. Examples of UINs are driver’s license numbers, Social Security numbers and motor vehicle license plate numbers. In many foreign countries, each person is assigned an identity number. A new kind of UIN At MyPropertyID,...