It’s a Calling Not a Business

It’s a Calling Not a Business

My goal is to help good people — My primary goal in launching MyPropertyID is to help good people reduce the odds of being a victim of burglary, theft and loss by making a small, onetime investment in my product. My second goal is to reduce the workload of law...
Law Enforcement Agencies Are Spread Thin

Law Enforcement Agencies Are Spread Thin

Efficiently allocating time and resources is critical — Law enforcement agencies are spread thin. Running lean operations to save money for tax payers is critical in this day and age. It’s a very delicate balancing act to make sure law enforcement agencies stay...
National Crime Information Center (NCIC)

National Crime Information Center (NCIC)

National Crime Information Center (NCIC) established in 1967 — I suspect that most Americans are not aware that behind every local police report is an upload to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC). The NCIC was established in 1967. Just a few years after the...
The Chain of Custody

The Chain of Custody

The chain of custody begins when you submit your order — The chain of custody can be used to solve crimes. When I opened my commercial bank account, my banker asked me to describe the nature of my business. He then opened up about having his branch robbed at gunpoint...
Tag and Title Your Portable Electronics

Tag and Title Your Portable Electronics

Register your stuff like you register a car — When you buy a new car, you tag and title it. By law, there is a linking of the vehicle ID number (VIN) and you. This happens at the federal level, the state level and the county level. A massive database keeps track of...
Neighborhood Watch tied to Operation I.D.

Neighborhood Watch tied to Operation I.D.

Low-tech security alternative — Everybody recognizes the old Neighborhood Watch signs on the left, but does anyone recognize the old Operation Identification sticker on the right? The two systems used to be paired, but Operation ID was a hassle and inconvenient, so it...