Enterprise Asset Management catches on —
Operation Identification, even at the urging of law enforcement professionals, has never caught on among the public since it’s inception in 1963. But every global corporation and large manufacturer, every state and municipal government, and every hospital and university system embraces its equivalent called Enterprise Asset Management. And like every business-to-business industry, it has a professional association. In this case it’s the National Property Management Association (NPMA).
The National Property Management Association
In order to efficiently conduct business, every large institution the world round manages the assets it owns — computers, printers, vehicles and specialty equipment. It is usually comprised of a whole department dedicated to adhering property tags, listing the make, model and serial numbers in a proprietary database, and keeping track of other things like the age of the equipment, where it is located and who is responsible for it.
National Asset Awareness Month
That little asset tag with the company name adhered to every piece of equipment is just the tip of the spear of a very sophisticated, billion dollar industry governed by trained professionals. These professionals are college educated, credentialed experts. The point of National Asset Awareness Month is to remind every employee throughout their respective organizations that enterprise asset managers are on the job providing a valuable service to their respective organizations.
Enterprise Asset Management For Consumers
Our company is one the newest members of the NPMA. We provide institutional-level asset management strategies directly to consumers. We provide a secure, password-protected database that is accessible the world over where an internet connection can be found. We provide commercial-grade, numbered asset tags that arrive in a customer’s mailbox preloaded into their account and tied exclusively to them.
D.I.Y asset management
We provide the architecture for a consumer-level asset management system. When a customer orders our security kit, it is shipped at no extra charge anywhere on the planet. The customer applies asset tags to portable electronics, shop tools and garden equipment; registers the make, model and serial numbers of those items on our database; and then posts warning signs on windows or doors of vehicles, trailers, sheds, outbuildings, apartments, homes and small businesses.
Fighting crime with serial numbers
It’s pretty simple. If a customer is ever the victim of a property crime, the serial numbers of those stolen items are what the police need to fight crime. Operation Identification was developed before the mainframe computer was embraced by the FBI. But in 1967, the FBI rolled out the National Crime Information Center (NCIC). The signs posted on doors and windows are meant as a warning to criminals that a customer’s property is marked and the serial numbers registered. The asset tags on items are a warning to criminals as well, but also act a global lost & found.