Jailhouse University

Jailhouse University

Jailhouse University is where petty criminals go to learn. The reality is that earning convictions in the age of security cameras and alarms systems still isn’t working. Sure, an arrest, but no convictions, so the revolving door of Jailhouse University churns...
Small Business Liaison Officer

Small Business Liaison Officer

A Small Business Liaison Officer (SBLO) usually works for a large government contractor. The SBLO plays the critical role of helping small businesses successfully win subcontracts. There is a problem though. These small subcontractors must comply with the same...
Help for Small Government Contractors

Help for Small Government Contractors

Small government contractors now have a simple way to comply with Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) Case 2015-D035 and the requirements of FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(ii), DFARS 252.245-7001(b) and NFS 1852.245–74(c)(2): marking and tagging government...
DFARS Case 2015-D035

DFARS Case 2015-D035

On April 30, 2019, the Defense Acquisition Regulations System (DARS), Department of Defense (DoD), posted to the Federal Register a strict interpretation of DFARS 245.107(1)(i) to “require the use of Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) clause 52.245-1,...
National Police Week

National Police Week

National Police Week is an opportunity to say you care. It’s unfortunate that police and deputies don’t always feel supported by their communities, but it’s important for law enforcement professionals to know that the vast majority of us law-abiding...
Matériel: Expanded Definition

Matériel: Expanded Definition

Words matter and avoiding word confusion in day-to-day communications is very important. Are all the things you own—lawn mower, weed whacker, game system, cell phone, laptop, electric drill, circular saw, bicycle and etc.—property, assets or matériel? Do all three...