Operation ID: Biggest Marketing Flop in U.S. History

Operation ID: Biggest Marketing Flop in U.S. History

We’ve all heard of Neighborhood Watch, but does anyone know the name of the companion crime-prevention strategy rolled out at the same time? It’s called Operation Identification and it’s still recommended by law enforcement professionals (LEPs) nationwide....
An Added Layer of Security

An Added Layer of Security

Alarm systems, security cameras and other high-tech solutions are not always as effective or as convenient as promised. Criminals know they might be arrested, but they also know they’re unlikely to be convicted unless certain measures are in place. That’s...
Second Generation Safety Advocate

Second Generation Safety Advocate

In the 1960s, my mother quit her job as a  housewife and became a child transportation safety advocate. My father, a businessman, and us kids had to make a number of difficult adjustments. Who decides what technologies survive? In our lifetimes, we have seen some...
Iowa Statewide Forum On Public Safety

Iowa Statewide Forum On Public Safety

This wonderful 6-foot chalk drawing was created by a very talented incarcerated offender at the Iowa Correctional Institution for Women in Mitchelleville, Iowa, where our conference, the Iowa Statewide Forum On Public Safety, was held. Additionally, the lunchtime tour...
The True Cost of Owning an Alarm System

The True Cost of Owning an Alarm System

Do you know anyone who has an alarm system, but never sets it? I do, and it amazes me. Alarm system subscriptions are expensive — When you see those alarm system advertisements, they lull you with free installation, but the real money is in the monthly subscription...
Summertime Peace of Mind with MyPropertyID

Summertime Peace of Mind with MyPropertyID

Summertime—warm weather, time outdoors and relaxing with family and friends. If only peace of mind were as easy as a cool breeze on a warm summer day. Burglaries and thefts also occur Unfortunately, summertime is also a time when thieves are busy while we are relaxing...