Not your ordinary brutal murder — Kitty Genovese was murdered on March 13th, 1964 in New York City just outside her apartment building. There was something different about her killing. There are the facts, which got muddied, but the story about her brutal death and...
Big Data yesterday and today — According to Wikipedia, “big data” is an amalgam of data sets that are so voluminous and complex that traditional data-processing application software is inadequate to deal with them. Well, I have important news. The FBI and...
The police can’t do it without you — The police need your help and are still waiting. “Operation Identification was established to reduce theft and increase the recoverability of stolen property,” according to a report sent to the Unites States...
A commitment to our neighborhoods — Because of our ability to map the location of homes and businesses, we are proposing that for every pocket of 20 customers who purchase our security kit, a sign will be provided to the public works department to be erected in a...
A picture “ain’t worth squat” — A picture will never lead to a conviction. It might be worth a thousand words in journalism, but a picture “ain’t worth squat” to law enforcement professionals. Ask any defense attorney if they can get a person off if...
Intelligence gathering at the FBI — The largest division at the FBI is the Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS). In essence, it’s the FBI’s intelligence arm. It is the umbrella over a number of intelligence services including the National Crime...