Improving the Odds of Recovering Lost Property

Improving the Odds of Recovering Lost Property

Improving the odds of recovering lost property is a reality in the internet age. Is somebody keeping track of this beast? You betcha! Getting lost and stolen items returned is an odds game. If you have a $600 cell phone with one of our $4 asset tags adhered to the...
Made in the USA! Made in Iowa!

Made in the USA! Made in Iowa!

MyPropertyID is proudly conceived, developed, manufactured, packed and shipped from right here in Iowa. Obviously “Made in USA” is very desirable right here at home, but we were surprised to learn that “Made in USA” is desirable overseas as...
Operation Identification Modernized

Operation Identification Modernized

An old idea as new again — Our product dusts off a very old crime prevention tool that the police have been urging citizens to utilize since the 1960s. If you do a web search for Operation Identification, you’ll get hundreds of hits that include law enforcement...
Understanding the Deterrent Effect

Understanding the Deterrent Effect

What is the deterrent effect? The deterrent effect is the calculation a criminal makes to determine if he or she will get caught. There are two parts to getting caught. The first is the initial arrest and the second is being convicted. We have all heard about the...