The best bang for the buck — Research indicates that one of the best ways to reduce crime is through police-community partnerships. From a cost-benefit perspective, the strategy has the biggest bang for the buck. We see a lot of fissures in the news concerning...
Don’t let the power of the tiny asset tags fool you — The ID tags of MyPropertyID are one part of a three-part system. The most powerful aspect of our system is the database where you store the make, model and serial numbers of your items. If you are ever...
Who doesn’t wear their set belt anymore? It! Will! Never! Happen! To! Me! This was the mentality among unrestrained automobile drivers in the the 1960s. “Only race car drivers buckle up” was a common refrain. This is a fun old ad, with a catchy...
Developing new skills — Teaching toddlers to hold on to their stuff is an important lesson. Sure we live in a disposable age, but how many toy trucks, sippy cups and crayons are we willing to let our little kids throw away? Lil’ Sidekick has just the thing for...
A robust startup community in Iowa — Silicon Prairie News did a wonderful story about My Property ID Registry on June 6, 2017. Silicon Prairie News focuses on the tech communities in three core cities: Des Moines, Omaha and Kansas City. This includes other smaller...
My Property ID Registry advanced to the 2017 semifinals in Chicago. is an international standards body for the global insurance industry. The ACORD Challenge chooses startups that, among other things, will have a significant impact on the...