Because of the precious metals catalytic converters contain, they have been targets for theft since the 1970s, when first mandated for motor vehicle use. Over the decades, as the value of precious metals has risen, the theft of catalytic converters has also increased. The theft of catalytic converters is not just limited to domestic crime, but is an international problem similar to motor vehicle theft and trafficking.

Like Motor Vehicles, Register and Tag Catalytic Converters

Because of registration and licensing strategies, law enforcement professionals can identify motor vehicles anywhere on the planet, make arrests of criminals in possession of stolen motor vehicles, and repatriate lost and stolen vehicles with their rightful owners, using the following standards already in existence:

Using these standards for the vehicle identification number (VIN), the vehicle can be tied to the rightful owner through a unique identification number (UIN) in the form of a license plate, and linked on domestic and global uniform identification systems (UIS) databases used by motor vehicle registration bureaus of states, provinces, territories, nations and other worldwide networks, such as Interpol and the FBI’s National Crime Information Center (NCIC). Through the use of the vehicle identification number (VIN), license plates, and global registration networks, criminal enterprises can be disrupted, arrests can be made, and convictions can be achieved.

An ISO for Catalytic Converters

Similar to the strategies above, the same processes can be used as a solution for the theft of catalytic converters:

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