

The Private Database Keeps You in Control

The Private Database Keeps You in Control

How the private database protects you — You get a private database that keeps you in control. In other words, if someone recovers a piece of marked property and enters the asset tag ID number into the FOUND page, he or she will learn nothing about you. The system is...

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The Bluff in Burglary Deterrence

The Bluff in Burglary Deterrence

Psyching out the bad guys — The bluff in burglary deterrence is real, but not with my system. You can buy a fake television. You can buy a barking dog alarm. You can buy a dummy camera. You can buy a dummy alarm box. When you go up to a house and see an alarm sticker...

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Id Tags: The Tip of the Spear for Home Security

Id Tags: The Tip of the Spear for Home Security

The highly reliable ID tag — ID tags are still a viable security measure because they are the tip of the spear of a more complex system designed to safeguard property from theft and improve recovery. Yes, it's low tech, but it's a tried-and-true approach that has...

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A Pet Recovery System for Your Other Valuables

A Pet Recovery System for Your Other Valuables

No need for microchips or bar-codes when you have eyeballs — With a pet recovery system, valuable dogs and cats are micro-chipped. Before that, they were tattooed. Valuable portable electronics and tools need neither because there is a serial number embedded in the...

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A Security System That Arrives in an Envelope

A Security System That Arrives in an Envelope

A simple security system with over 50 years of proven use — We sell a single product. It is an anti-theft security system that arrives in an envelope, but is tied to your online account the instant your order is placed. It has no electronics or moving parts. It is a...

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Layered Security from ‘Curb to Cockpit’

Layered Security from ‘Curb to Cockpit’

Security services will use any tool no matter how small — In the United States, Homeland Security and the TSA utilize layered security tactics at airports from "curb to cockpit." In other words, they utilize multiple strategies to keep the bad guys guessing. My...

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Anti-Theft Security System

Anti-Theft Security System

There are no guarantees, but there are deterrents — The My Property ID Registry security system has a deterrent effect because burglars are less likely to target portable items that are registered and marked. This is based on research done over the last 50 years that...

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Global Personal Property Recovery

Global Personal Property Recovery

A privacy-protected method for recovering lost and stolen items — Global personal property recovery is a reality in the internet age. With the help of a Good Samaritan, who would think that such a simple webpage could hold the answer to recovering lost personal...

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We Team up with Military Cost Cutters

We Team up with Military Cost Cutters

No matter where on the planet the military goes, we ship for free — Our business has partnered with Military Cost Cutters and its veteran-owner, Aaron Serrano, to bring our product to members of the military at a discount. Our low-tech security system can be delivered...

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Crime Prevention Information Source

Crime Prevention Information Source

The Crime Prevention Website (TCPW) is an comprehensive source for all things related to crime prevention. Its author, Calvin Beckford, is a retired English police officer who set out to create “the most comprehensive crime prevention website ever!” "Proxy-marking"...

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