Travel Security

Travel Security

Travel security is important if you’re just going around the corner or to another part of the world. While people are often fearful of physical attacks, the greatest risk both here and abroad is the same: property crimes. And the second greatest risk: property...
ISO for Catalytic Converters

ISO for Catalytic Converters

Because of the precious metals catalytic converters contain, they have been targets for theft since the 1970s, when first mandated for motor vehicle use. Over the decades, as the value of precious metals has risen, the theft of catalytic converters has also increased....
Instantly Trace Anything

Instantly Trace Anything

How many times have you found a set of keys, a cellphone, a tablet, a laptop, a wallet or even a dog and really wished you could easily, conveniently and safely get it back to the rightful owner? It would seem there’s no simple solution, but there is a way if...
Finding Your Dell Serial Number

Finding Your Dell Serial Number

Finding your Dell serial number can be confusing. The term serial number is so widely accepted, it’s surprising when large corporations deviate from the term, especially as concerns consumer products. But there you go. Dell calls it the Service Tag. The Service...
The Case of the Stolen Badge

The Case of the Stolen Badge

If you ever hope to get a person behind bars who broke into your vehicle, home or business and stole your property, you better have more than security cameras, an alarm system and video doorbells. And in the unfortunate case you are violently assaulted because you...
Miniaturized Enterprise Asset Management (mEAM)

Miniaturized Enterprise Asset Management (mEAM)

Today, web-based companies enable small institutions to manage their capital assets and comply with government regulations with miniaturized enterprise asset management (mEAM). These web-based companies specialize in inexpensive, internet-based strategies for marking...