2020 was the year MyPropertyID explored the blogosphere and either traded security kits or hired product reviewers to examine our strategy. MyPropertyID is interested in getting our product in front of as many people as possible, but the other benefit is that we are...
MyPropertyID has become a member of a Washington D.C. think tank and trade association called the Asset Leadership Network. “Simply, asset management helps organizations realize greater value from their [matériel], and impacts the financial and operational...
Imagine you’re on a flight from Los Angeles to Sydney for an important meeting. After you land, go through customs and arrive at your hotel, it dawns on you that your password-protected laptop with your notes and presentation is on the plane. You jump on your...
The police are not well known for their marketing skills, but almost all law enforcement agencies endorse Operation ID (U.S. and Canada) and proxy marking (U.K. and Ireland). Because residential burglary (breaking into a domicile) and residential theft (breaking into...
The National Crime Information Center (NCIC) is the database that every law enforcement professional in the country taps into to either upload new information about crimes or search information about old crimes. In total, these types of transactions occur over a...
Answering the tough questions in an interview is a great opportunity to get at the facts. When talking with people about my product, there is often very little time to cover any concerns. Sometimes, people will ask the tough questions, but as often as not, they are...