Uniform Identification System

Uniform Identification System

This is a memo from 1979 sent to the United States Attorney General, Griffin B. Bell from the Director of the United States General Accounting Office, Allen R. Voss, titled, “Department of Justice should explore the feasibility of a uniform identification system...
Unique Identification Number

Unique Identification Number

A licence plate on a motor vehicle is what is known as a unique identification number (UIN). But, if it’s so important to have a UIN on a car, why is it you only need a screwdriver to remove it? The reason is the technology you never see. The technology is in...
A License Plate for Your Other Stuff

A License Plate for Your Other Stuff

All you need is a screwdriver to remove a license plate, yet the simple strategy of linking your licence plate number to your vehicle identification number (VIN) on a database, is an extremely powerful law enforcement tool that leads to the recovery of 60% of stolen...
October is Crime Prevention Month

October is Crime Prevention Month

There are only five widely-accepted, well-researched, crime-prevention strategies recognized in the United States. Yes, there are some other strategies that might have some promise, but it’s the Big 5 that still reign supreme. It’s not about crime...
Custody, Custody, Custody

Custody, Custody, Custody

There are three rules of federal government property regulation: custody, custody, custody. If it’s not nailed down, it has to be tracked. If you are doing any kind of work for the Federal government, the Department of Defense or NASA, you must have a robust...
The Backstory Of MyPropertyID

The Backstory Of MyPropertyID

I’m from Des Moines, Iowa USA, and I have a criminal justice and youth advocacy background. I worked at the Iowa Homeless Youth Centers many years ago, and then at the Woodward Academy up until I launched my small business in 2015....
The Power of the VIN

The Power of the VIN

Have you ever noticed that all you need is a screwdriver to remove the license plate from even the most expensive car? There is a very simple reason for this. The vehicle identification number (VIN) is registered in your name, too. Because of this mandatory, global...
The Power of Crime Prevention

The Power of Crime Prevention

Crime prevention is an approach and philosophy distinct from crime deterrence and crime fighting. Crime-prevention strategies take time to implement, but are, dollar for dollar, the most productive use of criminal justice budgets. This post will explore the...
National Night Out

National Night Out

National Night Out is one of the top five crime-prevention strategies in America. Established in 1984, its purpose is to build bridges between law enforcement and the communities they serve. Many police officers work in isolation, and mostly interact with people in...
The Odds of Recovering Stolen Property

The Odds of Recovering Stolen Property

Playing the odds in crime-prevention is a long game. When the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) was established in 1967, there were many skeptics who questioned the cost-benefit of such an expansive system for capturing seemingly insignificant information like...
Anatomy of a Decision: DFARS Case 2015-D035

Anatomy of a Decision: DFARS Case 2015-D035

On April 30, 2019, a long-time exception to the use of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) clause 52.245-1 was removed. Now, “acquisition value alone…is not an indicator of the criticality or sensitivity of the property.” In other words, it is no longer an option...
Jailhouse University

Jailhouse University

Jailhouse University is where petty criminals go to learn. The reality is that earning convictions in the age of security cameras and alarms systems still isn’t working. Sure, an arrest, but no convictions, so the revolving door of Jailhouse University churns...
Small Business Liaison Officer

Small Business Liaison Officer

A Small Business Liaison Officer (SBLO) usually works for a large government contractor. The SBLO plays the critical role of helping small businesses successfully win subcontracts. There is a problem though. These small subcontractors must comply with the same...
Help for Small Government Contractors

Help for Small Government Contractors

Small government contractors now have a simple way to comply with Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) Case 2015-D035 and the requirements of FAR 52.245-1(f)(1)(ii), DFARS 252.245-7001(b) and NFS 1852.245–74(c)(2): marking and tagging government...
DFARS Case 2015-D035

DFARS Case 2015-D035

On April 30, 2019, the Defense Acquisition Regulations System (DARS), Department of Defense (DoD), posted to the Federal Register a strict interpretation of DFARS 245.107(1)(i) to “require the use of Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) clause 52.245-1,...
National Police Week

National Police Week

National Police Week is an opportunity to say you care. It’s unfortunate that police and deputies don’t always feel supported by their communities, but it’s important for law enforcement professionals to know that the vast majority of us law-abiding...
Matériel: Expanded Definition

Matériel: Expanded Definition

Words matter and avoiding word confusion in day-to-day communications is very important. Are all the things you own—lawn mower, weed whacker, game system, cell phone, laptop, electric drill, circular saw, bicycle and etc.—property, assets or matériel? Do all three...
A Letter to the Editor

A Letter to the Editor

It’s always nice to get a letter published in my local newspaper, The Des Moines Register. It’s also always of interest to me to see how the letter is titled and what edits are made. Below is my original letter and then the edited version. Background to my...
Crime Prevention

Crime Prevention

It is much, much less expensive—think tax dollars—to prevent a crime than to go to the time and expense of arresting, prosecuting and incarcerating criminals. Being the victim of a crime is also hugely traumatizing and costly—think insurance deductibles and hospital...
Peer Recognition

Peer Recognition

In common parlance, assets are often thought of as money; property is often thought of as real estate. But assets and property have another meaning that has to do with all the stuff large institutions, small businesses and homeowners own. Being Published in...
Scouts of America Support Operation ID

Scouts of America Support Operation ID

The Scouts of America offer a crime prevention merit badge. The details and workings of Operation Identification has been published for over 40 years in the last two manuals. As you can see by the pictures, Neighborhood Watch and Operation ID are intimately connected....
The Other Asset Managers

The Other Asset Managers

Most people will assume that “asset managers” means people who oversee a pool of accumulated wealth. But there is a whole other hidden use for the phrase that means the professionals who keep track of the “personal property” that belongs to...
Proving Ownership

Proving Ownership

Whenever I do a presentation or make small talk with people about MyPropertyID, it is inevitable that I’ll hear a story about a theft or loss of personal property. In many instances, the owner can point to a piece of property and swear it belongs to them, but...
Reducing Gateway Crimes

Reducing Gateway Crimes

Imagine if citizens said, “I don’t need smoke detectors. I don’t really care if a part of my house burns down. I’ll just turn it into insurance.” Yet that’s exactly the attitude we have when it comes to burglary and theft. Why do millions of us...
Uniting Citizens and the Police

Uniting Citizens and the Police

Burglary is a gateway crime committed mostly by teens and young adults. It’s a category of crime like an oil slick—spread thin across the nation. There are millions of property crimes reported each year, but the number is thought to be double that. Sadly, only 10% of...
Five Old-Fashioned Ways to Help Police

Five Old-Fashioned Ways to Help Police

Very few of us are trained to run toward danger. Law enforcement professionals are trained to do exactly that. The rest of us are taught to run for safety or shelter in place. There are five, non-heroic ways to help police lower crime rates. They are low-cost,...
‘Tis Always the Season for Burglary Prevention

‘Tis Always the Season for Burglary Prevention

‘Tis always the season for burglary prevention. Burglaries are by far the most common crime in the United States, and a whopping 90% are never solved. It’s an epidemic with a simple solution called Operation Identification. Operation ID was developed in...
Large Institutions Do It. Why Don’t You?

Large Institutions Do It. Why Don’t You?

You know the old cliche, What’s good for the goose is good for the gander? Well, in matters of securing property like TVs, game systems, computers and printers, this couldn’t be truer. (FYI, the tags are an important warning, but it’s the stolen items’...
Why Do We Put Things Off?

Why Do We Put Things Off?

We all do it. We put off the things that we know we need to do. Sometimes there’s a tomorrow and sometimes…well, there isn’t. Sometimes the cost of not doing something is small, like you waiting to get dessert and when you’re ready all of the cake is gone....
Law Enforcement Professionals Endorse Operation ID

Law Enforcement Professionals Endorse Operation ID

Law enforcement professionals are extremely careful about what products and services they endorse. Operation ID is one of the rare exceptions. It was rolled out by the U.S. Department of Justice in 1979 and endorsed by the FBI, police and sheriffs. It was also...